Every new year my wife and I go on an intense cleaning and organizing spree. We believe that tidying and organizing the clutter of our surroundings is a great way to reduce the clutter and anxiety in our internal world.
This year, we stumbled upon a Netflix series featuring Marie Kondo, a Japanese woman who helps people organize their lives through tidying up. This joyful woman inspired us to tidy our home one drawer and cabinet at a time by keeping the things that “spark joy” and letting the others go. In fact, we made a deal that we could not watch another episode until we completed the tidying of at least one area in our home. We have almost finished the Netflix series and our home is more organized than ever. More importantly, I feel less anxious, more productive, and more prepared to face whatever this year will bring.
We can’t always control what other people choose to do or what happens around us, but sometimes even having one tidy drawer can be a small oasis of calm in the midst of everything else.
I encourage you all to check out the Konmari method. May it “Spark JOY” and reduce anxiety in your life! Cheers!
Watch the trailer: