Men have taken on a specific role in human development over the span of hundreds of thousands of years. While roles have very recently shifted somewhat, historically speaking, men have been the ones to fight the wars and build society. And if you think about it, it’s pretty hard to feel emotions, more
Understanding Sexual Desire Issues
Sex is a big part of life. Sex sells. Sex is everywhere. From the time we hit puberty until the time we take our last breath, sex is on our mind a LOT!But what do we really understand about sex? Not the mechanics of it, but the WHY of it. What makes us want to have sex?The truth is, there are myriad more
3 Ways Individual Counseling Can Help Your Marriage
Even happily married couples can hit obstacles along the way. When this happens, couples can either go it alone and try to work through their issues themselves, or they can seek the guidance of a trained and experienced marriage counselor. While some couples feel their problems should be kept more
5 Warning Signs It’s Time to Try Couples Counseling
When you first fell in love, you could never imagine that someday the sound of your partner chewing could make you want to scream. It’s inevitable that once we are out of our honeymoon phase and reality sets in, we realize that all relationships take work and compromise. But while some couples may more